Jimmy Green

Connected to Remy ABRAMSON, Class of 2021

Name: Jimmy Green
Birth: 10/25/1923
Birthplace: Sevlus, Nagyszollos, Czechoslovakia
Death: 11/8/2016

Connected to: Remy ABRAMSON, Class of 2021
Connection: Grandfather

Though the war started in 1939, when Jimmy was 15 years old, his family was not affected by it until 1944. In 1944, the Nazis invaded his town. Jimmy did not know where his parents were taken, but they were separated during the invasion. Jimmy was brought to a ghetto in Hungary. He was conscripted to do work for the Nazis and because of his hard work, the Nazis brought him to a labour camp in Auschwitz. Jimmy was in Auschwitz for six months, and then finally, in February 1945, he was liberated. Jimmy went on to work for Humanitarian Refugee Services after the war, where he ended up meeting his future wife.

We Remember Jimmy


Zaidy Jimmy was a strong and caring man. He wanted only the best for his grandchildren and great-grandchildren. I will always remember Zaidy Jimmy as the most gentle and kind soul. I strive to do the best because of what my Zaidy Jimmy overcame to ensure my family had the life we have today.